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Ququq Campingbox T6

We are pleased to announce the ququq camping box. Similar to the swiss roombox and yatoo the ququq is a european designed camping box that transforms a regular passenger vehicle into a fully equipped camper for two.

Busbox Q U Q U Q

The ququq camper in a box is also from germany and includes a bed platform with foam mattress a two burner stove 20 liter water tank sink storage and work space.

Ququq campingbox t6. Bespoke converters of prestige vehicles for the camper and sports motorhome market. The ququq camper in a box is also from germany and includes a bed platform with foam mattress a two burner stove 20 liter water tank sink storage and work space. Die ququq campingbox der ultimative kompromiss zum schnellen und gunstigen minicamper.

Zerlegt ist sie bequem zu tragen und kann platzsparend in keller oder garage aufbewahrt werden. This allows the kitchenbox and the bed to be put into the vehicle one after the other. Car camper conversion kit.

In the largest of the ququq campingboxes the bed is removable. Theres a few online mostly german though we saw them at exeter yesterday really impressed with build quality etc its german the busbox for a t6 with compressor cool box built in and a couple of other bits comes in close to 3500k not the cheapest but when we are considering spending 11 grand on a day van with no cooker or water its not bad. Simply pop ququq into your boot and the mini mobile home is good to go in just 1 minute.

In weniger als 9 minuten kann die reimo campingbox komplett ein oder ausgebaut werden. So you can fully enjoy the holiday and travel relaxed and flexible. Vw t4 t5 and t6 transporter and campervan conversions.

The entire system can be set up in a van in just a few minutes by two people. Ququq combines a kitchen bed and storage space all in one box. Now you can convert any ordinary van into a full fledged camper van complete with a functional kitchen set storage area and even a sleeping quarters.

In dieser sendung wirds minimalistisch. The kitchen is ready to use in a few seconds and the comfortable bed folded out with one hand. The entire system can be set up in a van in just a few minutes by two people.

The ququq system can be used in a van without having to remove the back seats. The ququq system can be used in a van without having to remove the back seats. Within just one minute you.

The patented ququq camping module is perfect for those freespirited and spontaneous travellers who dont want a mobile home.

Busbox Q U Q U Q

Ququq Campingbox

Busbox Q U Q U Q

Busbox Q U Q U Q

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